Subliminal Programming

Subliminal Programming

What Are Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages are often misunderstood, yet in the right hands, and when used in the right way they can be
an amazing personal development tool.


What Is It?

Subliminal messages are pieces of information that our mind receives without consciously knowing it, so we can’t block them out.

When we learn new things, we do that by repeating the process until it gets imprinted in our unconscious, so that we can use that knowledge when we need it.

In this process however, our conscious mind chooses which information it will keep – if it finds them to be useful or true, it will store them in the unconscious; if it doesn’t, it won’t let them stay. That’s why it’s so difficult to change our self beliefs: these concepts are stored within us for a long time, and our conscious mind believes them to be true. Take confidence, for example: if you’ve been living for the past twenty years believing that you can’t do something, that you’re generally incapable, saying all of a sudden: “I AM capable, I CAN” won’t make much difference, because your conscious self “knows” it’s not true – your lack of confidence in your capabilities is something that has been imprinted in your brain for too long.

Subliminal messages fix that problem by bypassing the conscious: the messages are being sent directly to the unconscious, and the “judging” part of our brain doesn’t even know about it. In the previous example, if we subconsciously receive positive messages like “I can do anything I put my mind to”, and when our mind is exposed to it sufficient number of times, the imprint changes, allowing you to making the shift in your beliefs from the inside.

This is one example of the positive use of subliminal messages. We are exposed to them daily anyway – in the 21st century, we’re exposed to massive amounts of information, and our conscious mind can’t process them all, so many of them just “skip” it and go directly to the unconscious. However, we aren’t exposed to the same type of information, so they can’t make a lasting impact to our self.

Deliberate use of subliminal messages, on the other hand, allows us to target the specific areas of our life – from motivation, self confidence, treatment of phobias and panic attacks, it even can make improvements to our physical body.  


Types of Subliminal Messages

There are two main forms in which the subliminal messages can be sent to the unconscious: visual and auditory. Visual subliminal messages can be hidden in images or in video recordings, including movies, and auditory messages can be placed in any audio recording.


Subliminal messages often appear in adverts, in forms of subtle hints or hidden text. A large percentage of subliminal messages are of sexual nature, since sexual desire is one of the strongest human desires. In the image below, for example (one of the most famous uses of subliminal messages in images), you can probably find the word “sex” at the bottom of the image (s’eXplosion) – the purpose of this message is that a customer who sees the image associate Skittles with his primal desire and, of course, that he can’t resist the urge to eat the candy.



In video, subliminal messages are used by inserting a single frame that lasts for a fragment of a second – you won’t even know that your subconscious mind noticed it.



Subliminal messages in audio recordings are often hidden in music, sometimes masked behind other sounds, sometimes at a higher or lower frequency so that you can barely hear it. When the frequency of the audio message is moved just out of the range of human hearing, you can’t hear it at all – it’s the so called “pure subliminal”, and it’s the best way to use subliminal messages as a self-help tool.

As we explained before, your conscious mind will fight any change you want to suddenly make to your habits, self beliefs, behavior – these patterns are very difficult to change. So even if you barely hear the message – you are still consciously hearing it, and if your “controller” isn’t in agreement with it, it will block it out.

Subliminal audio recording are our favorite way of re-writing the negative patterns of our mind when we need extra help in manifesting – of all types of subliminal messages, audios are the most practical form of handling our unconscious self: you can listen to them anywhere and any time, on your workplace, in the gym, even while you sleep – wherever you take your mp3 player. The Law of attraction subliminals are just positive affirmations that rewire our stubborn negative beliefs in an easy way – we can’t hear them, but we know they work.

Anyway – you are exposed to the subliminal messages on every step, every day. Why wouldn’t you choose to “advertise” what you want to your mind? The effects that deliberate “re-programming” can have on your motivation, self esteem, success, can be huge – hell, if you want to use them for a straightforward process like to stop smoking, it will make it easier! (can you tell that we’re huge fans of subliminal recordings?)


How Do Subliminal Messages Work?

Subliminal messaging, as mysterious as it may sound, is actually a quite straightforward process that involves sending a piece of information directly to the subconscious part of your mind, skipping the control of the conscious part. This perhaps sounds a bit too SF, but let’s break it down and see what the process actually involves. 


How Our Brain Works

The brain consists of billions of neurons that are connected in countless three-dimensional patterns. The neurons (nerve cells) are extremely tiny, and each of them has the possibility to connect with thousands and hundreds of thousands of other neurons. And each time a new connection is made, it means that we have learnt a new thing.

That means that our brain is capable of processing hundreds of thousands of functions every second. Think about that for a second: you can’t even count to 100 in one second. And your brain has done thousands times more work in that time.

Now, not all of the functions it processes have to do with thinking, counting and similar actions – most of them are the automatic processes that keep our body functional: the systems that control our heart, digest our food, regenerate cells, etc. Your brain is doing all of that for you, and you don’t need to consciously know about it.

Because, if you would, how sane you think you’d be right now? 

The conscious part of your brain is just the tip of the iceberg that is your mind – the 90% of it make the processes that you’re unaware of. And that’s a huge, huge part of what you are.


How Subliminal Messages Fit In


Each day we receive a massive amount of information – in our workplace, on the way there, in our home, on the TV, on the Internet, from our friends… Some of them we will notice and remember, but most of them we won’t: the message on the billboard down the street, the tune that played in the coffee shop, the signature in the email we received, a thought that passed through our mind in a split second – and we shouldn’t register all of these things, it’s mostly the unnecessary information for us.

But our unconscious mind registers it all. These pieces of information have passed through our conscious perception and entered our subconscious – and that’s what subliminal messages actually are: any “message” or information that we have received without consciously registering it. So you see, we receive those notorious “subliminal messages” every day, and there’s nothing quite so mysterious about them.



Subliminal Messages, Learning Process and Beliefs

Among other things, the subconscious part of our brain is where our beliefs are held. In the conscious learning process, we learn things by repeating them and by practicing what we have learnt, and our brain then stores those things in the unconscious (so that, for example, we don’t need to think about what our legs have to do to turn the bicycle pedals when we want to ride a bike – we just do it).

It’s the same with our beliefs: we have learnt them during our life, and stored them in the subconscious.

Imagine this: if someone told you that you don’t know how to ride a bicycle, or if you told that to yourself – try it now: “I can’t ride a bicycle.” Do you believe it? Will you believe it if you’d repeat it to yourself every morning and every evening? Of course not. Because you consciously know it’s not true.


If you grew up believing that you weren’t pretty, that you aren’t worthy, that you can’t earn a lot of money, that you can’t be successful or happy, that you’re meant to be fat… – these things you have learnt and stored in your subconscious. If all of a sudden someone came and told you otherwise, you wouldn’t believe it. Why? Because your conscious brain would fight it, because it has “learnt” that the truth is what it already “knows”.

So, if you want to change these negative beliefs, you have to learn the positive things about yourself from the beginning. And your old beliefs are stubborn, they’re placed too deep and they’re comfortable where they are, even though they’re making you feel bad; and sometimes, no matter how hard you try to change them, they just won’t completely go away.

That’s why you sometimes have to attack the problem the sneaky way: by skipping the conscious part of your mind and planting the new beliefs directly into the subconscious. And subliminal messages go right there.

Only, the process has to last for some time: just like your previous beliefs weren’t built in one day, your new ones can’t be formed in a short period of time. You have to be exposed to positive subliminal messages for a longer time, in order for them to have the effect you want.


Why and How (Regular) People Use Subliminal Audio Messages

As we have previously explained in our article What are subliminal messages,there are three main forms in which the subliminal messages are usually being served to us: images, video and audio.

We have found that subliminal audio messages are the most practical form: we can listen to the mp3s practically whenever and wherever, and they still do the work – not so much so with videos and images.

The subliminal albums that we prefer are the so called “real subliminals”: they contain the positive affirmations related to whatever area of our life we want to improve (confidence, motivation, social skills, relationships, even reinforcing our Law of attraction skills), but they’re recorded on a frequency that is just above the level of our conscious hearing. That means that no, we can’t hear them (we only hear the relaxing sounds like rainfall or ocean), that no, our conscious brain doesn’t know about them – which is why yes, they do their job

As John Assaraf, a famous brain researcher said:

Your conscious brain is amazing at coming up with ideas, but useless when it comes to carrying them out because it is easily distracted. The average person changes focus every six to 10 seconds.
Goal-setting is something your conscious brain can do.
The subconscious brain can remember billions of things in perfect sequence, not only for minutes at a time, but for your lifetime. How often does it get distracted? Never.
Goal-attaining is something only your subconscious can do.
We’d rather have our unconscious on our side in everything we’re trying to accomplish. So shall you do…


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